Yay!! Another Tut.
I found this scrap the other day & just loved the colors.
I played with it for 3 hours the other night without a template & Trashed 3.
So I found a Template to use.
Wish I could do these without them, but OH Well.
I'm useing a Very Bright FTU Scrap called Happiness hence the name from Boomie over
at Boomie's Scraps & Dreams. Thank You Hun!
You can find her HERE
I'm also useing another one of Missy's Template's #78 over at her site
Thank You Again Hun!!
I'm also useing another HOT Tube of Keith Garvey's
you must have a license to use his work & you can find it over
at MPT.
You will also need Mura Meister Copies
Font of choice, I'm useing The NautiGal
Ready? Grab something to drink & get comfy, its another Easy Peasy Tut.
Open your Template & on the Background Layer
Image, Canvas Size 550x550.
Flood fill the rest of it White.
Over on your Layer Pallette Click on the Large Circle.
Selections, Select All, Float & Defloat, Copy & Paste Paper of Choice.
Dropshadow, V~1, H~2, Opac~70, Blur~10 Color~Black
Click on the Small Circle over on the Pallette, same steps as above, Copy & Paste Paper of choice & same Dropshadow.
On the Layer Pallette, do the same for the Lines, or flood fill color of choice from your tube or one of the Papers.
Dropshadow the Lines
Over on the Layer Pallette, Click with your Magic Wand
Frame Background, Copy & Paste Paper of choice or you can also flood fill with color of choice.
As mine is just a guide.
Now for the Frame.
Selections, Select All, Float & Defloat, copy & paste paper of choice.
Dropshadow it
Now take Bowflower of choice, resize it to your choice.
Effect, Plug In, Mura Meister Copies
Number -12, ShiftX-50, ShiftY-50, Angle-0, Rotation-100, Phase-minus 25, Cycle-100, Attenuation-0, Scale-100, Tile Gap-0, Thru BG Range-0, ThruBG Smooth-30, Fade Out-0, Encircle. Duplicate & Move below the origanle. Adjust, Blur, Gaussian Blur, Radius 20.
Resize it to the size you wish & move it below everything.
Duplicate, Adjust, Blur, Gaussian Blur, Radius set to 20.
Move below the orignal & Duplicat it if you wish to make it brighter.
I think I duplicated mine 3 times.
Resize & Add your tube of choice.
Add some Embleshments & Dropshadow them as well.
Add your Copywirte & Name & Save
Thanks again for trying one of my Tuts
Thank you so much for this :D