Don't know about you guys but I'm ready for Spring
So here's a new tut
Click on tag to get full view
You must have a working knowelege of PSP to do this tut
I am useing the Cute work of Dean Yeagle
You must have a license to use his work
and you can get it over at CILM
The Awesome Scrap called Spring Whisper's from Seachell over
at Seachell's Scrapz you can find it HERE
Make sure you leave a little love while downloading
it only takes a few mins..
Thank You Hun!!
A font of choice or the one I am useing
its called 1 Snappy DNA
Mask of choice
Ready to get this thing started? Let's do it!!
Open a New Image 700x700
We will crop/resize later
Find Element 34 or one of choice
Copy/Paste on to canvas
Grab your Magic Wand click inside
Selections, Modify, Expand by 5
Selections, Modify, Expand by 5
Copy & Paste paper of choice
Selections, Invert & Hit delete on your keyboard
Selections, Invert & Hit delete on your keyboard
Dropshadow your Frame
Now take your Tube of choice
Copy/Paste on to your canvas
If any is hanging over erase any parts
If any is hanging over erase any parts
Dropshadow your tube
Now find the clouds
Copy/Paste & if you want it to look like its behind your
tube move it below, Erase any parts if there outside your frame
Find your Sun
Copy/Paste place where you wish
Grab your Ribbon of choice
Place where you wish
Dropshadow it as well
Find some Flowers of choice
Copy & Paste them where you wish
Click on your Background over
in your Layer Platte & Copy/Paste
in your Layer Platte & Copy/Paste
Paper of choice
Layers, New Mask Layer find your mask in
the drop down box
Merge, Merge Group
Add Your Copywrite & Your Name
YAY!! Your Done
Wasn't that Easy Peasy?
This Tut was written by me on Feb. 3rd 2009
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